Covenant Partner Changes
"COVID-19 Update"


I Pray you are well and excited about your destiny.
What a joy it is to have such a wonderful audience of Champs helping the cause.

Many of you have been with me for such a long time and there will never be words to express my gratitude for you providing encouragement and resources to help carry the Kingdom torch.

As you well know Covid-19 has created the need for change to continue our efforts.
Therefore I have started the process of making some vital changes to the operations that you have so loyally served.

Please note the following:
1. The present "Covenant Partner" under GRTM's umbrella will now be under "Circle of Champions."

2. Once transition is complete, any seeds sown under "Covenant Partner" will still be used for their intended purposes.

Currently we are revising all "Covenant Partner" contributions/donations so as to be able to allow for donor's donations according to guidelines.

3. At this time there's nothing needed on your part. Continue to sow as you have been doing. Once all particulars for compliance have been completed, we will update you of any/all changes.

Thanks and Stay Connected!
"This too is passing"

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